Denied, Delayed or Underpaid Insurance Claim? Claim Excellence

Flood Claims

For many people, buying a home is one of the most important and most expensive purchases they will make in their entire lifetime. No matter how well a home is built, however, it is still vulnerable to property damage beyond one’s control—such as from flood. After a flood, both residential and commercial property owners can suffer significant losses and destruction.

Obtaining property or homeowner insurance is a good way to ensure that an individual or business can recover financially in the event of a flood. But while flood insurance claims are meant to be a relied-upon recovery for affected policyholders, the reality is that some individuals wind up dealing with flood claims that are delayed, underpaid, or even denied.

Due to the urgency of the situation, some policyholders may be tempted to accept an amount lower than what they actually deserve for their losses. It is crucial to understand that the insured can fight back and obtain full and fair results.

If you need assistance with a difficult flood insurance claim, call The Cook Law Firm at (361) 541-4551. Our attorneys have the experience, knowledge, and resources to help both residential and commercial property owners that have been unfairly treated by their insurance companies.

Flood Damage vs. Water Damage

Though you may have comprehensive insurance covering your home or business, some people do not understand that certain flood claims are covered by standard homeowner and commercial insurance policies while others are not.

To put it simply, flood damage results from “rising water,” while a claim for water damage results from “falling water.” One of the easier ways to distinguish flood damage from water damage is by determining if your property is the only one dealing with any issues. If more than one property is experiencing the same issues, then you are likely dealing with flood damage. If your home is the only affected by such issues, it is likely due to water damage. Flood damage is not covered by the average homeowners insurance policy.

The two concepts may seem confusing, but understanding the difference between the two can help you determine whether you have the right insurance coverage for your particular situation. You must discuss your policy with your insurance agent to ensure you are completely covered in the event of any form of flooding.

Tips for Filing a Flood Insurance Claim

Filing a flood insurance claim can be a complex process, and it is important to take a number of steps to ensure that the process goes as smoothly as possible.

First and foremost, take photos and videos of the flood damage—preferably both before and after the water recedes. You should also create a list of the items that were damaged or lost, then jot down the approximate value of these items. Don’t forget to include both big items like furniture and appliances, as well as smaller items such as clothing, jewelry, and home decorations.

Notify the insurance company of your flood damages as soon as possible. Be sure to have your policy number readily available, and take note of the date and time of your calls and the name of all insurance representatives you speak with. If needed, don’t hesitate to make temporary repairs to prevent any further damage for a leaky roof or a broken window, and keep any receipts for reimbursement. Of course, refrain from making any permanent repairs until the insurer has thoroughly inspected the damage. When the inspection finally does take place, be there to accompany the adjuster as he or she inspects your home or business.

Many people find it hard to bring forward a claim for flood damage, and so you may benefit greatly from consulting with an experienced flood claims insurance lawyer.

Call the Cook Law Firm Today

More often than not, coming home to flood damage is just the beginning of a lengthy and frustrating process. Whether you’ve suffered minimal flood damage or a complete loss of your property or material possessions, you deserve to be compensated for all the losses covered by your policy.

At The Cook Law Firm, we have the expertise to help you deal with your flood insurance claim. If you feel that your insurance company is treating you unfairly in the wake of a flood, call The Cook Law Firm, PLLC at (361) 541-4551 to work with legal counsel who can determine the best course of action to take. We will stop at nothing to ensure that you are given the full measure of compensation that you need and deserve.

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